Numbers song

Aprende y diviértete con Numbers song, una canción que es utlizada para reconocer palabras en inglés y para jugar con tus amiguitos en las rondas infantiles. ¡Disfruta y cántala!

Letra de Numbers song

Sailing in my boat I see the moon
Sailing in my boat I see the moon
I see (I see), one moon (one moon)
Sailing in my boat.

Sailing in my boat I see two stars
Sailing in my boat I see two stars
I see (I see), one moon (one moon),
two stars (two stars)
Sailing in my boat.

Sailing in my boat I see three birds
Sailing in my boat I see three birds
I see (I see), one moon (one moon),
two stars (two stars), three birds (three birds)
Sailing in my boat.

Sailing in my boat I see four fish
Sailing in my boat I see four fish
I see (I see), one moon (one moon),
two stars (two stars), three birds (three birds),
four fish (four fish)
Sailing in my boat.

Canción de Numbers song

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